Pistachio provides energy to body, whereas it is also useful for good memory, heart, stomach and brain. With its regular use the body becomes heavy. Pistachio is helpful in getting rid of winter cough and keeps the lungs clean by removing the phlegm or mucus from the lungs. Pistachio has great amount of protein, calcium, potassium and vitamins .100 grams pistachio contains 594 milligram calories.
The fruit of the walnut is considered very nutritious during harsh winters. According to experts, fruit of 100g walnut has 21 mg iron 83 mg calcium, 225 mg potassium and 656 mg calories. Roasted walnut can help in getting rid of cough. The use of walnut along with raisin can be very energizing. But on the other hand if you do not eat walnuts in a balanced way, you mat be susceptible to blisters in your mouth and your throat can get dry. Wall nut is considered very useful for strengthening the mind.
Pine nut provides energy to the liver and bladder. Using them in winters provides heat to the body. They should be eaten after meals as eating them before a meal can deter your hunger.
Peanut is winters favorite and cheapest nut. One of its main qualities is oil that it contains. Interestingly, the fat it contains does not increase the cholesterol level in the body. According to experts, 100 gram peanuts contain 37.8 percent starch and 31.9 percent protein. It also has vitamin B1, calcium and phosphorus. In terms of nutritional value peanut is equal to walnut.
Raisins are actually dried grapes. They are made out of small grapes. They are best in eliminating constipation, useful for cough, flu and best energy providers. According to expert, 100g raisin contains 275mg potassium, where as 13mg iron.
For centuries, almond is considered useful for memory and eye sight. Other then vitamin A and B it has starch and fats. They strengthen the nerves and ends constipation. It is a necessity for those who do more mental work. According to experts, the fruit contains 100g potassium, 47mg phosphorus and 597mg calories.
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