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A family health blog covering a broad spectrum of health and medical topics. All the content is in collaboration with specialists, who have checked material pertaining to their fields and contributed relevant information. Health News brings a special section "health tips", so if you miss your granny Health News will help you makeup for at least the tips part of her. Grand mother’s old beauty and health tips would certainly be useful for you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Health Tips 4

Cleaning your toothbrush

Here is a tip for cleaning your dirty brush. Add 2-3 teaspoons of salt in boiling water and then dip your brush in it. Take it out after sometime. This will not only sterilize your brush but also give it a shine. But never forget that changing your toothbrush every three months is important.

Men & their skin

Men have approximately 15% oilier skin and significantly larger pores than women. Therefore, it is also important for them to take care of their skin and cleanse it daily. Take one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoon of apple juice and mix it with wheat flour. Keep the paste applied on your face for 15 minutes. Do this once a week and you'll gets a pimple free and clean skin.

Treating nausea

A lemon- lime soda can be very helpful if you are having nausea. Make sure it s at room temperature as ice –cold soda can cause cramps in your stomach.

Basil leaves

Chewing a few basil leaves daily first thing in the morning, can keep you away from infection of the throat, mouth and gums. Make it regular habit!

Dishwashing with soft hands

Dishwashing can make your hands rough. But there is a home remedy for you. Adding a little almond oil to dishwater will soften the skin while the oil seals the moisture. You can also spray your hands with vinegar after dishwashing. This would definitely help.

Coping with negative thoughts

Negative thoughts can be insistent and loud. Learn to interrupt them. Don’t try to block them (that never works), but don’t let them take over. Try distracting yourself or comforting yourself, if you can, t solve problem right away.

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